‘I hate television. I hate it as much as i hate peanuts. But i can’t stop eating peanuts’
As the TV industry is becoming more and more advanced, and a lot more developed, the majority of channels are now digital, this allows the viewers to get more involved with the shows they are watching, and a lot more anchored into the programs. However there are still some shows which remain to be shown on analogue. These programs are BBC1, BBC 2, ITV 1, Channel 4 and Five.
However this doesn’t mean that these analogue channels haven’t used digital TV to their benefit. For example The BBC is a huge company, and they have a lot more channels which are only available on digital, e.g. BBC3, BBC News 24, CBBC channel etc all of which are aimed at various different target audiences. However these channels are only available on digital TV, the good news is though that most of the newly built televisions have digital Freeview TV, which will allow the public to view these and many other channels.
Freeview TV is probably the cheapest form of digital television. It was launched on 30th October 2002 by the joint partnership of the BBC, SKY and The National Grid, and in 2005 was joined by ITV and Channel 4. It has become more and more popular in the UK, and now, as a result, Freeview TV is being broadcasted to more than 14 million homes, allowing the public to gain over 40 digital channels and more than 20 radio stations. [www.simplifydigital.co.uk]
Due to the success and the availability of digital TV, the time for analogue television is almost over, In many different areas all around the UK, the switch to television from analogue to digital is already starting to take place, In the Yorkshire region, the switch will not be happening until 2011, which is still quite a while away, however this will give people enough time to get ready for digital TV. And when this date finally comes, Analogue television will no longer be available to the public. [www.simplifydigital.co.uk]
Another thing which has become very popular, is satellite television, the best example of this is SKY. However if someone is wishing to acquire Sky then they have to subscribe to them. This is also a main area where Sky gets all its money, as people pay monthly to gain the basic Sky package, however to acquire the Sport channels, or perhaps the Movie channels, then people have to pay extra a month which is a very clever way of making money, as the majority of people buy Sky to watch for example all the Premiere league matches, and through this form of subscription, Rupert Murdoch makes a lot of his wealth. And looking at the table below, we can see just how popular Sky have become.
The good thing about Digital TV is that there is a much wider variety for people to watch, this is extremely popular with the public, as the programs available from both Digital and satellite TV can cater for anyone, and the viewer has the ultimate choice on what they want to watch. This idea is so popular, that certain members of the public will watch just one channel, and a lot of them will only be interested in watching one program. This is why there are now things such as SKY +, Virgin on demand available.
These consumer products allow people to not only view their favorite programs, but it also allows the viewer to record what they are watching onto the system of the satellite box, and watch it again and again. These products can also be programmed to record the program every time it’s on, so that if the viewer misses the program, or just feels like watching it again, thanks to the recording system, they can watch it as many times as they like.
TiVo was another type of video recorder created; it allowed viewers to record their favorite programs onto a hard disk. It also allowed the viewer to record a program without having to record the adverts. It seemed as though it could be a very popular creation, however in 2003 the UK took it off of the market. [www.wikipedia.com]
Bt Vision is also a device allowing people to watch what they want, when they want. As one of the biggest problems is having to pay the money for satellite TV, where the truth is, a lot of the channels will never be watched. This is why BT vision differs, the viewer still pays a monthly amount, however this time, instead of being given a fit schedule, like a lot of the channels on satellite, the viewer can choose from hundreds of very popular programs to watch whenever they like.
With these kind of devices, the viewer feel much more in control of the TV they watch on their day to day basis. This is really expanding on how the viewers can interact more with the television. And for a lot of companies like the BBC and SKY, interactive television is the next big thing. One of the most well known type of interactive TV is reality shows such as ‘The X Factor’ and ‘Big Brother’, where the audience is able to phone in and vote for their favorite act. It allows the audience to feel as though they are making the decisions, and they are making all of the changes.
One type of channel which has really used interactive TV as an advantage, are music channel, e.g. TMF. These channels constantly want to keep their audience anchored into the show; so as a result, they involve lots of interactive features. The most common of which is where the viewer can text into the show for things such as ‘love predictor’, ‘fame predictor’, these are usually very effective and very popular due to the number of people texting in every hour. Another reason why music channels are so interactive is because the viewers control the show, the viewers can phone in, or in some cases now sends videos of themselves and friends requesting a song to be played on the show. Due to these interactive features, the channels are making lots and lots of money, where at the same time the viewers are kept engaged and desired into watching the program.
Television is proving to be more and more successful by the day, however there was a time, when there were questions whether television would survive the internet era. The internet is at the peak of the media world at the moment, and there are many reasons why the internet could have conquered the television era. However instead of this happening, the television industry actually used the internet to its advantage for boosting channel ratings and popularity.
An example of the television industry doing this, would be ‘BBC iPLAYER’ etc This very efficient creation allows the public to watch any shows the may have missed, and may have failed to record, more and more channels are starting to create these online features, and not only are they beneficial for target audiences, they are also extremely popular, because as well as having the feature of re watching shows, when on the main programs website, viewers can watch videos, footage's, documentaries, interviews with cast and crew of particular shows, and this Is popular because this kind of footage is only available on the web, Nowhere else. These features expand the target audience to everyday web surfers.
The main reasons why TV on the web is so popular, is because the majority of it is free. And when something in the TV industry is free to watch, it will almost certainly get an audience. Tv on the web doesn’t just end here though, YOUTUBE.COM a prime example of how popular television on the Internet can be. This website allows people to upload their home videos, and share them with the rest of the world. But not only do members of the public upload videos here, Companies, Organization, even TV channels upload videos here, this way they can promote, attract and anchor in anyone who is browsing at any given time on the website. And due to the millions who visit the website and both watch videos and upload them, YOUTUBE.COM has done nothing but prove how free television on the internet can change the world.
However in some cases, you can purchase television on the internet, however in these cases, this will be along with the option of being able to save the program onto your computer or laptop, or perhaps burn them onto a blank disc.
Due to the whole development of television, it would be obvious that television program and channel audiences would increase greatly, however the case is quite the opposite. In fact in many areas the large audiences which were have now been decreased. However this is not because people just don’t watch television anymore, Instead these audiences have been fragmented and spread out. But why? This is simple, because in the days when the audiences were just a large mass, were the days when the analogue was the prime source of television, only showing five channels. Now is the prime time of digital and satellite and instead of there just being five channels, there are now hundreds, and these all show different things, and all cater for different people, Television is now all about variety, something for everyone and thanks to this new era of television, there literally is something for everyone, and people no longer have to watch whatever there is on one of the five analogue channels.
However due to these much more niche audiences, something’s on television has changed, one of the things which has had to change dramatically is the advertisements on the TV channels. Due to the increase in the number of channels on television, advertisers have to think a lot harder where to place their advertisements, their target audience could be fragmented all over different channels, therefore the advertisers have to aim at specific channels which would definitely appeal to the target audiences. For example promoting an ipod or walkman on a music channel, as the advertisers will know that there product will appeal to the music fans. This advertisement issue has both its good points and bad points, the good point is that if the correct type of channel is found which appeals to the target audience, then you can have an extremely effective form of advertisement and promotion. However if the wrong channel is found, then the advertisers will waste a lot of money. Yet there most likely will be some research done to find out what channels the target audience will watch.
Another thing which you could say has changed due to the advancement is the uses and gratification theory. First of all there is surveillance, thanks to the sheer amount of News channels available thanks to satellite TV and of course now the internet, people can always be informed of the news and world around them. Thanks to all the entertainment channels, people can be diverted from their everyday lives, into a world they feel the most entertained. And finally just due to the sheer amount of channels people can find personal relationship and personal identity, as there is just so much more to talk about, and so many more characters on the number of programs where we can all relate to at least on of them.
So due to the success of television, thanks to various different devices and technologies, it leaves the question what about the future?, what is the future for television. The BBC is one company which will be planning for the future as soon as possible, as a public service broadcast channel, they have a service to deliver quality television to it’s audiences, plus this will be critical in rivalry with other programs such as SKY and ITV. One news article which i found extremely relevant to the information above, and explaining a bit of the plans and ideas for the future is found through the link: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/technology/6142998.stm. There is no doubt that the technology of the future will effect Television even more, and especially the ways we watch it, the viewer may become more involved or perhaps even part of the show. But the main idea is that media is starting to take over the world, and in the future, just looking at the facilities and technologies we have now, it is very possible to see that we may have a world fully run by the media.
Films are arguably becoming more and more popular with the world due to the advancement in technology, For example the invention of movies shown in 3-D, the use of CGI and more recently having films in HD. By doing this film producers are able to make extremely realistic and visually engaging films. 3-D films are extremely popular with children, and have proved to make a large profit for companies such as Disney and Pixar who have claimed to release all of their films in 3-D, and an equally successful company DreamWorks animation states to have all of their films in 3-D by 2009 [www.weird.com]
GGI has changed movies greatly, they are used greatly in films for visual effects, it’s often a lot more realistic, and a lot easier to control. It can also be a lot more profitable, as in many cases using CGI is cheaper than doing the real thing [www.sciencedaily.com] Famous films which used CGI greatly in producing it are: Tron, Terminator 2, Jurassic Park, The Matrix, and The lord of the Rings . . .[www.flixter.com]
Finally, HD (high definition) televisions allow the viewer to watch a film at its full potential, with more pixels, and resolution than ordinary TV’s, HD is becoming more popular with both the viewers, and the film makers. Due to the rapid success of HD, products such as Blu-Ray are taking over the DVD market as they aim specifically at high definition films allowing as much quality to be played from the discs possible.
Considering all of the advances in technology, and all of the variations of access to television programs, the uses and gratification theory for people is now a lot stronger and definitely more relevant. The main reason for this is because of all the different areas and channels available for the television industries to broadcast their programs. With this advantage, there are now 24 hour news programs, meaning at any point in the day someone can access this channel and watch the news, this achieves the purpose of surveillance. Next there is diversion, thanks to all of the various different channels and programs showing, people can easily be diverted in something they watch and thanks to this new feature of the Internet people can carry on this diversion by watching different episodes of the program online.
Also thanks to the Internet people can create personal relationships with cast members in their favorite programs, people can relate to characters so much on a television show that they feel strong desires to go on the web and find out more about the characters and find out what the cast are really like. However People also do things like this to develop personal identities, as many people watch programs for social needs, and at school or work or just in public, people discuss television programs forming strong personal identities. Plus thanks to options like interactive television, when watching programs like X-Factor, if people decide to vote, then they can discuss their votes with their friends later on. Also using the Internet, on a lot of websites, especially sites such as WWW.YOUTUBE.COMpeople can leave comments and ratings about the footage they have just watched, and by doing this people share their opinions with each other having conversations and even arguments with each other, all adding to their development of personal identities.
Different channels are funded in many different ways. These different ways can have both their benefits, and there limitations. First of all, there is the BBC. This is funded quite differently to other TV channels, Through Public service broadcasting (PSB). PSB is the broadcasting of television which has been intended for the benefit of the public, as appose to broadcasting for commercial concerns i.e. ITV. [www.wikipedia.com]. The BBC was set up with the goal of having a service to the public, and the channel had to do three specific tasks for its viewers, these were: Entertain Inform and Educate. However despite all of the years of success the BBC has had, the future of PSB is now being questioned. The BBC is currently funded by license fees. The BBC has produced quality TV to its audiences for decades, and is recognized as one of the strongest broadcasters in the world. Ed Richard's, the Chief Executive at OFCOM Offices of communication, which have major roles and duties to play when it comes to broadcasting which can be found on the following link http://www.ofcom.org.uk/about/sdrp/, states that from research, “Audiences attach high to content that reflect the UK. . . they want programming that reflects our cultural identity”. This is one of the things that the BBC excels in. However channels such as ITV are said to have much less quality programming. There have been suggestions that the License income fee should be shared among the BBC and its rivals, however this would have a major effect on the quality of the BBC’s programming, and is said to lose a major part of British culture. Stephen Fry shared his feelings by stating that “The BBC enriches the country in ways we will only discover is gone when it’s too late to build it up again”. He then finished by saying that “We actually can afford the BBC, because we can’t afford not”. Suggesting that if we do spilt the money from the BBC to other channels such as Channel 4, then we will degrade the quality of the BBC’s programming.
Subscriptions broadcasting however is a completely different issue, SKY, BT Vision, Virgin are all prime examples of subscription. However they are all different, these channels allow the viewers to subscribe to the channels they want to watch, SKY for example make millions every year, by making their viewers subscribe to various different packages. These packages include Music, Children’s, News, Knowledge etc. However Sky makes a lot more money by increasing the prices of channels which they are aware are extremely popular to the population, which most of the time is SPORT, and MOVIES. Yet this is not where the subscription finishes. Now there are a whole range of features the public can subscribe to, Once again in the case of SKY, people can subscribe to three different items. SKY TV, SKY Broadband and SKY Talk, and in each of these areas there are a range of different offers available, which can be viewed on the link: http://packages.sky.com/buy/ [www.sky.com]
Subscription is pretty much the dominant form of television in the US, One of the best example of how popular Subscription TV is in the US, and of course how much a channel can benefit from it is to look at HBO TV. HBO did and still does make a lot if not the majority of money, reputation and popularity by broadcasting a wide variety of very popular programs and events. The majority of these events will usually be Sporting events, for example On September 30th 1975, HBO will have dominated the US by broadcasting ‘Thrilla in Manila’ AKA Muhammad Ali vs. Joe Frazier in one of the most if not the most historical Boxing event ever. An event which people will have paid a VERY large sum to watch. [www.wikipedia.com] Since its beginning and its rapid success HBO have brought out more and more different channels but also things such as: HBO On demand, on iTunes, Mobile etc. All of these different subscription offers are viewable on http://www.hbo.com/. [www.hbo.com]
Subscription TV is quite different to pay-per-view TV. Pay per view (PPV) TV, is a form of television which is becoming more and more popular all around the world. It was a system created for the purpose that viewers could purchase different types of events which are soon to be seen on TV. The idea is that once purchased, the viewer will gain a private telecast of the event into their own home. It’s very popular, especially in countries like America, which have channels such as: Cable video story, and viewer’s choice, which are channels devoted to PPV. It began to take off in the 1980’s, and as time progresses, PPV is becoming more demanded by the viewers, so that they can watch things such as Sport, especially boxing and wrestling, Pornographic films and feature length films, ranging from prices of around $3.99 to around $49.99. [www.wikipedia.com]
Because of the varieties of ways that people can watch TV and film, it is vital for sponsorships to take place, as it helps both the programs and channels make moey, and the sponsors promote themselves. Examples of these are, Foxy bingo, sponsors of the Jeremy Kyle show, Appletize, sponsors of Friends, and Harvey’s, sponsors of Coronation Street. All of these sponsors have to think about the program before they choose to sponsor a program. They usually have to take their own target audience into account, and then look at the TV programs audiences and see if there is any similarity. If there is a strong similarity, then the sponsors are more likely to make an offer on that program. i.e. This is why Black and Decker are sponsors of Extreme Makeover. As the program is about DIY, and the majority of the viewers will most likely be DIY fans, therefore Black and Decker who sell DIY goods, will see this program as a perfect opportunity to promote their products, and of course their company. This is also why Friends is sponsored by Appletize, as the product is targeting a young perhaps teenage audience, which is a huge majority of the Friends programs audience, and once again will see this as a very profitable opportunity.
Advertising however is slightly different to sponsorship. If placed correctly on the right channel, then an advert can create a large promotion, however if it is placed on the wrong channel, it can be ignored and unattractive to the audience. It has been a lot harder for Advertisers in the past few years compared to the years where the technology side of media hadn’t developed that much, and the only channels available were the basic terrestrial channels. Now due to the fact that audiences are fragmented into niche audiences. Despite this being much harder for advertisers, this (if placed right) can be extremely beneficial. All the advertisers should do before placing their advertisement is take place a large amount of research. Due to the number of digital channels, it will be harder to find that target audience, therefore from the research, the advertisers should be able to find out where the best place to put the advert. And due to the carious different place Channels now show programs, the advertisers can change the style and format of the advert to suit the area it’s shown. For example on TV, advertisers will produce a standard advert which gets their message across. However on the internet, showing a video will take longer to load up, which could resort in the public leaving the webpage without seeing the advert. There for the advertiser would create a simple image, most likely a screenshot from the advert shown on TV, with the name of the product, or whatever the advert is trying to promote juxtaposed against the image so that the message is still sent across the audiences in a quick, cheaper and more efficient way.
Another good source of funding, is by product placement/embedded marketing. This is where products in a film or TV program are the same as a product in real life e.g some on in a film drinking from a coca cola can. Its a very strong market opportunity which as well as as finding a profit on films, are now starting to find a profit through video games such as Grand Theft Auto.. [www.wikipedia.com] However this form of advertisement is not used in every country and one of those countries who do not use it is the UK. One major question which is starting to arise in the Media industry is will the UK ever use Product branding? Due to the huge success it has, and the amount of money it has the potential to make, i believe that within the next 10 years, product branding will have been introduced in the UK and several other countries who are currently against the idea.
Production Designer
Production Designer
Art Director
Supervising Art Director
Standby Art Director
Assistant Art Director
Set Decorator/Assistant Set Decorator
Assistant Production Buyer
Production Buyer
Concept Artist
Specialist Researcher
Graphic Artist
Storyboard Artist
Draughtsman/Junior Draughtsman
Art Dept Assistant
Art Dept Co-ordinator
Assistant Art Director
Assistant art directors have various different tasks which all depend on the size and scale of the production being made. They are often working in partnership with the Art Director, and they carry out a range of tasks for the art department. These tasks could vary in working hours depending on the task itself. For example if research needs to be taken place then the assistant art director could have to travel to various different art exhibitions and locations to gain inspiration and influence for the work.

Finally below is a video recording of me being interviewed after taking the role of a director

Merit 1: Issues surrounding technologies ownership and funding in the television and film industries will be evident. Relevant examples are cited that evidence understanding.
ReplyDeleteMerit 2: Correct and substantial descriptions of common job roles in the television and film industries. A detailed understanding of the characteristics of different duties in management, administrative and creative roles.
Merit 3: Accurate descriptions of the most usual contractual, legal and ethical obligations. Researched examples that relate to legal and ethical issues are evident.
Ignore previous remarks
ReplyDeleteSecction 1 and 2 = distinction
Section 3 to be uploaded and section 4 not yet started.